
If we think about the art of getting things done, things well done, the art of getting all done in time…what’s time is about ?

Managing our minds always thinking about perfection, about achieving goals, giving the extra mille…we know the enforce that is need…but then… from time to time we get a smile, a big smile of happiness with a word of thanks. “Well done” they say. Could be or not, but some time this could be like Magic.

Magic, this mythic word that is related with the art of doing extraordinary things (unexpected things happen) usually with some charm. Well like the words you just listened “Well done” ….the magic of words can change your mood just at a glace.

In resume, never think that you are lost in the shadows of the hoods…you are just at your office and…indeed, magic can happen just by listen a simple word of thanks. Everything can change.

Just feel the power of each word at each moment and considered that as Magic. Your magic moment of the day.

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